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Humanising Birth: A guide for practice E-book

This e-book is a compilation of eight articles published in The Practising Midwife. Led by Dr Elizabeth Newnham, midwife and eminent academic, and in liaison with other leading maternity experts- she carefully deconstructs dehumanising birth practices. Thereafter, she reconstructs what humanised birth practices are, look like and feel like, and how they can be implemented immediately. It is a call to action for every birth worker.

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Price: £2.99

20% donated to the White Ribbon Alliance

Tip: After purchasing the flipbook version - remember to add the URL link to your favourites or mobile home screen for easy, ongoing access!

All4Birth Author Toolkit

The All4Birth Author Toolkit e-book. The objectives of All4Birth are to gather ‘women friendly’ childbirth articles and resources into one, accessible space, to increase awareness of and knowledge relating to preconception, normal physiological childbirth and early parenthood.

Price: FREE

The Whole Picture

By Mandy Robotham

Price: FREE

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All4Maternity is an online platform to support, develop and nurture every midwife and maternity worker: from volunteers, doulas, aspiring midwives, obstetricians through to senior clinicians, academics, leaders and change agents working throughout maternity services.

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