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Midwifery: Love, Life and Learning is a podcast series that brings you stimulating conversations on specific topics which relate to midwifery and childbirth. The podcasts share learning and activity into areas of research, education, parenting, pregnancy and social progress in childbirth.  Each podcast is hosted by different members of the All4Maternity family and brings together panellists and individuals who have valuable insights into topic areas that relate to their work. The podcasts are an opportunity to bring depth to the conversation around areas that inform our All4Maternity vision to advance learning, caring and sharing within global midwifery and childbirth.

This fabulous series allows you to choose topics that interest you or advance your research or practice. The podcasts provides content that gives you the opportunity to learn more and really delve into the detail of a topic that interests you in maternity and childbirth.

Listen to this podcast on Spreaker

Podcast news and updates:
We have some brand new podcast episodes planned to accompany the new paper by Renfrew et al (2020) "Sustaining Quality Education and Practice Learning in a Pandemic and Beyond". To be published in early 2021.

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