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Research Rocks (Blogs 1-6 are open access)


Dr Juliet Rayment is a freelance qualitative research consultant, Sociologist and storyteller. She is a self-confessed qualitative methods geek who loves to help others design, analyse and share user-friendly, relevant research. Juliet has dedicated 15 years to research on the UK maternity services: helping organisations understand how they can look after both families and their staff. Juliet is trustee of a breastfeeding support charity in Oxford, co-founder of an arts project on LGBTQ+ history and has an honorary position in the Centre for Maternal and Child Health Research at City, University of London, where she previously worked on the Birthplace in England and REACH Pregnancy programmes. Her website is www.julietrayment.co.uk and you can also find her on Twitter @julietrayment.

Dr Juliet Rayment
Qualitative Research Consultant 


Gill brings her love of physiology and research, and her interest in optimising birth for women and families together in this Midwifery Research Roundup page. We hope you find the content interesting and inspiring, and that it motivates and helps you to get into, or just to occasionally delve into, midwifery research - for the love of it.

Gill Moncrieff
Midwife and Midwifery Research Student 

The sentiments expressed by the contributors and advertisers in The Practising Midwife
do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Publisher, Editor or the Editorial Advisory Board.

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