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The Skye, stars and the moon; One to One Midwives shining bright

Skye Rolfe
Caseloading Midwife and Midwifery Lead at One to One Midwives

by | Jul 14, 2018 | All4Maternity Blog

Today I write a brief blog to update you about the fantastic feedback and statistics from One to One Midwives. Lead by Skye Rolfe @midwife_skye on Twitter these rates and the heartfelt feedback from women demonstrate the benefits of a true caseloading model of midwifery care.

One to One Midwives have been providing a caseloading midwifery service to women and families in the Northwest and Essex for the last 8 years. This free individualised service which is commissioned by the NHS has transformed women’s experience of pregnancy and birth by ensuring the women and their families are at the heart of everything they do.

The community services led by expert teams of passionate, highly motivated midwives guide women and families through their journey from preconception to parenthood. Skye has provided the following infographic which celebrates their results for June 2018.



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